Congratulations Aimee we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Aimee chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 AM MT!

I post quite a few of my photos on my Unsplash page and are Free to download.
9 photos
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6 photos
18 photos
42 photos
4 photos
8 photos
30 photos
42 photos
13 photos
20 photos
Congratulations Aimee we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Aimee chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 AM MT!
Congratulations Amber we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Amber chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 AM MT!
Congratulations Pam we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Pam chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, January 2nd at 7:00 AM MT!
Congratulations Diana we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Diana chose a case of 1/2 Mix (Original, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, December 5th at 7:00 AM MT!
Congratulations Jillian we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Jillian chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, November 7th at 7:00 AM MT!
The Mountain View Cemetery in Keystone is the only cemetery in the world with a view of Mount Rushmore. The original land was part of the Harney National Forest and was originally deeded to the Modern Woodman of America, a fraternal lodge, and was signed by President...
Congratulations Randy we hope you enjoy your case of 24 Kimball Popcorn Balls! Randy chose a case of 1/3 Mix (Original, Honey, Caramel). Our next Kimball Popcorn Ball Giveaway will start Thursday, October 3rd at 7:00 AM MT!
An old stone tower, once used as a fire lookout tower, is located at the summit. The ashes of Valentine McGillycuddy were interred near the base of the tower and a plaque reads, "Valentine McGillycuddy, Wasicu Wakan." Wasicu Wakan is Lakota for "Holy White Man....
Younger Americans will have trouble believing this, but there was once this guy named Walter Cronkite, who would read the news on television every week night. He didn't seem to have an agenda, or try to make anybody look bad, or good. He would just read the news, and...
The late Jack Higgins had a warm heart and a willingness to help out whenever he was needed. Consequently, when a farmer friend asked him to tend his horses and chickens while he went on vacation, Jack readily agreed. There was one problem. The farmer’s chickens were...
The appearance of a Townsend solitaire at Schramm State Park last fall caused me to blush a bit from embarrassment. Townsends are western birds. They love mountain regions that are coated with pine, fir and spruce forests. I photographed a Townsend in a nearly...
Eastern towhees are easily flim-flammed. It’s too bad they don’t have the Sherlock Holmes type of guile that a woman bowler used to catch a thief. The woman bowled weekly in a league with two other women on her team. On this particular bowling night she put $40 in her...
For instance, birds can see ultraviolet light. That’s bad new for a vole, a mouselike rodent that is a common food item for predator birds such as American kestrels. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, voles leave trails of urine as they run along the ground....
A sea duck made a rare appearance on the Great Plains this past week. The long-tailed duck, a hen, was among a flock of ruddy ducks that popped in for a visit at Capitol Beach Lake in Lincoln. I’m confident the longtail didn’t choose the 300-acre private lake because...
Ask an aquafarmer or a duck hunter what they think about mergansers and the reply might be so frosty that a hooded parka would be required to continue the conversation. Fish ducks specialize in eating fish and are so horrid on a dinner plate that few are shot...
Coots are quite common on Midlands lakes—large or small—this spring. It was an overcast afternoon, and a large number of coots were lounging on or near a mud flat at Lincoln’s Holmes Lake as I drove through the suburban park. Flying is not a coot’s strong point. They...
Steve Kruse wore a huge smile beneath his cold-weather hoodie when we met in a parking area near the dam at Stagecoach Lake near Hickman, Nebraska, last week. The mid-April temperature was in the high 20s, a thick layer of clouds produced a gray morning and a stiff...
As the father of three daughters and the grandfather of six, I’ve seen my share of primping. But not even preparation for a prom rivals the preening carried on by great egrets during the spring. Great egrets grow long plumes that flow from their backs like fine, lacey...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY "There are a lot of reasons to despair about our politics today. There is not a good enough reason to check out, to surrender to cynicism or to give up." --- U.S. Sen. Cory Booker DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Election Day will be here before we know it. In...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY "It's up to us if we want to look at the glass half empty or the glass half full. It's up to us how we choose to walk through life every day full of hope and optimism or full of negativity and sadness. Only you get to decide, but you do not have to...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY "I allow myself to hope that the world will emerge from its present troubles, that it will one day learn to give the direction of its affairs not to cruel swindlers and scoundrels but to men possessed of wisdom and courage." --- Bertrand Russell...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY Great minds think alike. Unfortunately so do stupid ones. BASEBALL UPDATE Minnesota Twins schedule: --- Thursday, at Arizona, 2:40 p.m. --- Friday, at Seattle, 8:40 p.m. --- Saturday, at Seattle, 9:10 p.m. --- Sunday, at Seattle, 3:10 p.m. ---...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY The closer you are to nature, the further away you are from idiots. OAHE DAYS Pierre's annual music and arts festival takes place this weekend on Friday and Saturday at Steamboat Park. For the full schedule of events and details go to...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY "The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools who applaud them." - Erasmus, 1509 PIERRE GOVERNORS SPORTS ROUNDUP Girls track: At the state "AA" meet in Sioux Falls, Reese...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. PIERRE GOVERNORS SPORTS ROUNDUJP This week's schedules: ---THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Track: at state meet, Sioux Falls. Track: At the Wendelgass meet in Huron,...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY Crying doesn't indicate that you are weak. Since birth it has always been a sign that you are alive. --- Charlotte Bronte PIERRE GOVERNORS SPORTS ROUNDUP This week's schedules: --- THURSDAY Girls golf: at Brookings invitational, 10 a.m. Track: at...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful. PIERRE GOVERNORS SPORTS ROUNDUP This week's schedules: --- FRIDAY Girls golf: at Mitchell invitational, 10 a.m. Softball: home vs. Sioux Falls Jefferson, 4 p.m. Baseball: home vs. Sioux Falls O'Gorman,...
Thank you to Remembering The Old West for this story. 1876 saw the arrival of Seth Bullock and Sol Star to Deadwood, South Dakota. Moving their hardware store from Helena, Montana, they came in a an ox-drawn wagon piled high...
It has been quite awhile since I posted anything "spooky". This is a little spooky I think. About Using a valid U.S. address, Died in House™ instantly searches millions of records to determine if a death has occurred at that location. ...
Discover the Legends & Lore of Deadwood's Haunted History Owned and operated by a local, long term resident historian, with an expertise in the history and ghostly happenings of Deadwood Gulch. Tour Information Tours start inside the left entry of the Old Style...
This past Saturday my wife and I got to spend a night at the Adams House in Deadwood with the Black Hills Paranormal Investigators. If you haven't visited the beautiful historic Adams House in Deadwood, it is a must see...both day...and night. We got some really cool...
The Irish brought the tradition of carving pumpkins into Jack O'Lantern to America. But, the original Jack O'Lantern was not a pumpkin. Pumpkins did not exist in Ireland. Ancient Celtic cultures in Ireland carved turnips on All Hallow's Eve, and placed an ember in...
There are two sides of the Haunted Fort Sisseston - A Night of Scares and Terrors, and Kid Friendly and non-Scary for kids. See below for more information. Hosted by Roy Lake State Park, Sica Hollow State Park, and Fort Sisseton Historic State Park. A night of scares...
These are some significant captures from our recent investigation at Henry Roy Photography – Rapid City, South Dakota, All of the EVP’s were caught on one recorder in the back of the studio in a supply area. All other recorders caught nothing....
Thank you to Lyra Radford for letting me re-post her article. Visit Lyra's website at Follow on Facebook at Rich with history and littered with lore, ghost stories from South Dakota have risen...
Several years ago when my wife's sister Hayley came up to Pierre to visit us, we decided to scare ourselves and head out to Cedar Hill Cemetery one night. Heather and I both saw a "cemetery light" or an orb floating higher up the hill among the gravestones, and also...