by everythingsd | Aug 11, 2018 | Check This Out
It works buy it! That is my professional review. No, seriously Heather purchased a Potato Storage Bag from Current Catalog about a month ago. Before that I had a bag of potatoes literally sprout legs and walk out the door looking for dirt. They didn’t last a...
by everythingsd | Aug 11, 2018 | Check This Out, Fishing in South Dakota
I grew up around cattle – my grandparents had cattle, and a young Angus bull chased me across a creek on my uncle Chris and aunt Norma Sailer’s farm north of Beulah, ND. That was scary, I swear I walked on water running as the bull was coming at me jumping...
by everythingsd | Aug 9, 2018 | Check This Out
Joel Johnson from Burke, South Dakota came up with this unique idea for a “customized book” based on the Revolutionary War. Check out his website for more information – or to place your customized book order. Instill a...
by everythingsd | Aug 9, 2018 | Parker's Midweek Update
ARE YOU PROPERLY REGISTERED TO VOTE? The time is now to check to see if you are properly registered to vote in the November general election and to be certain you have not been removed from the voting rolls. To conduct your own voter registration name search, go to...
by everythingsd | Aug 8, 2018 | My Blogging Story
I am a website designer, I have been designing websites for 18 years and this is my first attempt at setting up an actual blogging website. I am not going to kid you, it is a lot of work – but it is a lot of fun too. The biggest issue for me so far has been expecting...