Potato Storage Bag Review

Potato Storage Bag Review

It works buy it! That is my professional review. No, seriously Heather purchased a Potato Storage Bag from Current Catalog about a month ago. Before that I had a bag of potatoes literally sprout legs and walk out the door looking for dirt. They didn’t last a...
Bullied by Bovines

Bullied by Bovines

I grew up around cattle – my grandparents had cattle, and a young Angus bull chased me across a creek on my uncle Chris and aunt Norma Sailer’s farm north of Beulah, ND. That was scary, I swear I walked on water running as the bull was coming at me jumping...
Power of the Quill – My Unique Book

Power of the Quill – My Unique Book

Joel Johnson from Burke, South Dakota came up with this unique idea for a “customized book” based on the Revolutionary War. Check out his website for more information – or to place your customized book order. https://www.myuniquebook.com/ Instill a...
My Blogging Story

My Blogging Story

I am a website designer, I have been designing websites for 18 years and this is my first attempt at setting up an actual blogging website. I am not going to kid you, it is a lot of work – but it is a lot of fun too. The biggest issue for me so far has been expecting...