Hosted by Pierre Volunteer Fire Department
Early bird registration fee $100 per 2 or 3 person team with 90% payout. Registration after April 26th increases to $125. Catch 8 walleye, weigh 6 walleye. State GF&P rules enforced. Calcutta with 80% payback Door prizes raffled each day. Weigh in at Down’s Marina and conducted by the Fishing Crew. All remaining proceeds are donations to the Pierre Volunteer fire Department.
Online Team Registration
For additional information call (605) 222-8035
Friday, May 10, 2019
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Mandatory Rules Meeting
Saturday, May 11, 2019
6:00 AM
Check-in at Down’s Marina
7:00 AM
Boat Launch
Visit the Pierre Volunteer Fire Department on Facebook